Our intent is not to make you feel guilty if you are unable to participate.
Our intent is not to "con" or "weasel" money away from you.
If you want to be a part of this great, but we don't consider it a personal offense to us if you can't participate for whatever reason. We understand. We are focused on our daughter, not on keeping score for those that gave us money. We are honestly blown away by everyone, whether you have given us money or simply supported us with your encouraging thoughts and comments. We really appreciate you all.
Having said that, here are a few questions I've gotten that were worth answering for everyone...
Q: When should I sign up?
A: As soon as you are certain that you are going to run. Our financial deadlines are beginning soon, so any money that is received before April, will help offset current cost. When you purchase your tickets through ticketleap, you can fill out your t-shirt info and you will be officially signed up. You don't have to bring your ticket on the day of the event.
Click Here to Get Tickets
Q: Why $125.
A: We looked at many other ways to raise money, but decided that we stood the best shot of raising $10,000 through a 5k. $125 is a sacrifice, but it is not unreasonable. I've participated in other races where we were asked to raise over $2000. We felt that $125 was reasonable for those who really want to be a part of this. Our thinking was that it is possible to find 5 people to donate $25 to a cause that you are passionate about.
We considered other events, such as a three on three basketball tournament, but we would only be able to raise a fraction of the amount with the same amount of work.
Q: Where will the money go?
A: We are trying to raise $10,000 from this event. T-shirts will likely cost around $8-$10. Prizes, food, and other event related cost will run about $15 per person. This leaves about $100 that will go towards the adoption. If 100 people run, we will raise the entire amount. If 15 people run, we have still raised $1500 which is a huge step.
Q: What if I have already donated, can I run for free?
A: If you have already donated $125 and would like to participate without paying the cost, you may. We want you to be a part of this day because you are a huge part. Several people have given us well over the $125 entrance fee and we would love for you to be a part of this day, even if you don't pay the entrance fee. Just keep in mind that we are trying to raise money.
Q: What if I want to raise money, get a t-shirt, but not run?
A: We thank you for your generosity. You are welcome to come and cheer people on or even help by helping us at the water stations along the course. You can purchase the t-shirts separately for $15. (About half of that will go straight to the adoption as well)
Q: What if I have 5 people in my family? Do we all have to pay?
A: We are trying to raise money, but we also understand that paying over $600 would be difficult. We will easily work with you. If both parents pay, we don't mind if kids run/walk for free. We simply ask that you purchase a T-shirt for them if you want them to have one.
Q: What if I want to participate, but $125 is not possible?
A: We understand that we are asking you to sacrifice. Our first suggestion is for you to ask 5 people to donate $25 towards your entrance fee. If you are adamant that this is not possible, please talk with us. We don't want to lose or strain a relationship over something as silly as money...
Q: What if it rains on the day of the run/walk?
A: We will get wet.
Q: What if I want to donate more than $125?
A: You may simply click the donate button on the right and give any amount, or you may choose to buy extra entrance fees to "sponsor" someone else. If that is the case, simply enter: "extra ticket" in the name of the ticket you purchase and we will find someone who wants to participate.